The RRHA of Illinois Education Fund was established in 2015. RRHA of Illinois is proud to be able to offer this assistance and appreciates the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln for administering the Education Fund.
The fund provides donations to charitable purposes only, such as to non profit 501(c)(3) public charities, schools, government programs, churches and religious organizations, and other charitable causes. Your generosity allows us to help worthwhile charities/groups in our rural communities that in most instances are serving the actual families that reside on properties owned and/or managed by RRHA of Illinois member companies.
Please consider joining those who have already made a contribution to the Fund in order that we can continue to build on this worthwhile and necessary program to assist our rural Illinois communities. All contributions are tax deductible.
You may send your contribution to:
205 South Fifth Street, Suite 930
Springfield, IL 62701
Make checks payable to:
RRHA of Illinois Education Fund
The NOW Program
Nutrition On Weekends
Two Rivers Council Foundation
Brown County Food Bank
Robinson Kiwanis Club
Harmony Park
CEFS Outreach Shelby County
Pre/Post Purchase & Financial
Capabilities Education Workshops
Pike County Unmet Needs
Housing, Healthcare/Medical, Utilities,
Transportation, and Food Needs
Hutsonville Community Club
Patriotic Flag Beautification,
Easter Egg Hunt, and Movie Nights In tadalafil The Park
Big Brothers Big Sisters
of WestCentral Illinois
Youth mentoring services
Frank Bertetti Public Library
Friday brown bag lunches